AFP/Brendan Smialowski via Getty Images
Crowds take images with their smartphones of the fly-over at US President Donald Trump's "Salute to America" Fourth of July event at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, July 4, 2019.
- President Donald Trump's controversial "Salute to America" Fourth of July event featured military flyovers despite tricky weather.
- Questions were raised earlier in the day over whether the flyovers and fireworks would continue.
- Trump's speech drew criticism from some who argued that Trump was politicizing the military, but others were impressed by the show of military might.
- During his speech, Trump introduced each flyover by paying tribute to each military branch.
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Heavy rain drenched the crowds that took to the National Mall for President Donald Trump's speech at his "Salute to America" Fourth of July event - but it didn't stop the highly anticipated flyovers.
Despite questions being raised earlier in the day over whether the rain would prevent the military flyovers and fireworks scheduled for Thursday evening, aircraft from each of the military's branches made appearances, stunning the crowds.
The "Salute to America" event had drawn heavy criticism from Trump opponents, who argued that Trump was politicizing the military and co-opting what should have been a day of national unity.
But others were excited to see the show of might by military tanks stationed outside the Lincoln Memorial, and the flyovers by each military branch.
Trump's speech was interspersed by the flyovers. He introduced them by paying tribute to each military branch, telling stories about their histories.
Here are the aircraft that participated: