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My biggest email pet peeve is something I see almost every day

My biggest email pet peeve is something I see almost every day
Careers2 min read

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People do all kinds of annoying things on email: they misspell words, fail to include a subject line, use far too many exclamation points, or ramble on and on ... just to name a few. And I know I, too, commit some of these faux pas from time to time.

But there's one thing I see almost every day that I never do because I find it to be cunning and obnoxious.

My biggest email pet peeve is when someone is writing to you to complain about something you've done (or didn't to), make a correction to your work, or criticize you in some other capacity, and they copy your boss on the email.

Sure, in some situations it makes sense to cc someone's manager or CEO - but usually it's not necessary, and it just makes the sender look like a scheming tattle tail.

In the working world, we're all adults. My feeling is, if you have feedback for me or an issue with something I've done, talk to me directly and we can try to sort it out on our own. Leave everyone else out of it. They have their own problems to deal with.

If I'm not responsive or you think my reply is unreasonable or unfair, then sure, feel free to take it up with my boss. But there's no need to start there.

Another sneaky thing you should stop doing: bcc'ing.

Vicky Oliver, author of "301 Smart Answers to Tough Business Etiquette Questions" and "301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions," previously told Business Insider: "I am not a big believer in blind copying people on emails. When I have been bcc'd, the first thing I think is, 'If she is bcc'ing me on this, who else has she bcc'd on other emails?'"

Bcc'ing conveys distrust and secrecy, she said.

For other email etiquette rules everyone should know, click here.

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