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Pun Intended! Businesses are missing the ‘big picture’, like a runaway thief sends a better picture for police to use on social media

Pun Intended! Businesses are missing the ‘big picture’, like a runaway thief sends a better picture for police to use on social media
Entertainment1 min read
…“But it a good growth opportunity and we should go for it. Even our competitor is going for it”… This is a common winning an argument in various strategy discussions. And unfortunately, with this argument, many times the big picture is missed.

Many firms miss the big picture of profitable growth, in pursuit of tempting growth opportunities, for boosting quarterly results. Relentless growth without profitability is a big trap in which many companies fall.

A leading strategy consultant Ram Charan has highlighted that firm needs to think about growth with profitability for sustainability.
“Exploring bigger picture involves thinking beyond short-term interests of external stakeholders, such as consultants, financiers,” said Prof. Kiran Momaya of Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay.

“Staying focused on big picture requires a lot of discipline to ignore the short term temptations,” said Inderjit Sehrawat, Managing Director, DVTEL India, which is a part of FLIR Inc., a Standard & Poor's 500 index component.

The strategic humour story “Missing the Big Picture: A runaway thief sends a better picture on social media for police!” stresses the importance of staying focused on the big picture. In this hilarious story, a fugitive ends up sharing her latest picture with the police and gets caught.

Here, have a look!

(The article is authored by Prof. Rajesh K. Pillania, who is judged Best Faculty for Strategic Management in India by ASSOCHAM & Education Post and is ranked jointly #1 for research productivity among management professors in India. Currently he is faculty of Strategy with MDI, Gurgaon)


