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SBI Clerk Prelims result 2019: Bank likely to declare results soon, check score

SBI Clerk Prelims result 2019: Bank likely to declare results soon, check score
Education1 min read

State Bank of India (SBI) is likely to announce the results for clerk prelims exam soon. According to media reports, the results and the cut offs will be announced by the end of July.

The candidates who successfully cleared the prelims examination can appear for the SBI Clerk Main exam, which is scheduled on 10 August 2019. The total number of vacancies is 8,653.

The students can view their results at the bank’s official website The online exam for SBI Clerk Prelims was held from 22 June to 23 June 2019.

The bank is likely to shortlist large chunk of candidates through the Prelims exam, nearly 10 times the total vacancies.

SBI Clerk Mains exam 2019:

Soon after the result for Prelims examination, the bank will roll out admit cards to candidates qualified to appear for the mains. The admit cards are expected to be released by the end of July or first week of August.

The main exam will include four sections — general/financial awareness, general english, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning ability and computer Knowledge.

Here’s how to check SBI Clerk Prelims 2019 score:

  • Visit the bank’s official website
  • On the website, go to ‘Clerk Preliminary Exam Result 2019’ tab to check result.
  • Login with your roll number and other required credentials.
  • You can download the result for future reference.


