A new report says cars must be banned latest by 2035 to limit global warming to 1.5-degree Celcius

Sep 30, 2021

By: Marcia Sekhose

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Keeping 1.5°C alive

The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) has recommended six sets of action that would make it possible to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

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Ban on sale of cars

ETC recommends the ban of all sales of ICE light-duty vehicles by 2035 along with city-based action to reduce the use of these vehicles.

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What are ICE light-duty vehicles

Internal combustion engines (ICE) light-duty vehicles are powered by gasoline, diesel, biofuels, or natural gas.

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Why ICE light-duty vehicles

These vehicles produce gases responsible for global warming, and these include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).

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What’s the alternative

In addition to the ban on the sale of these vehicles, the ETC recommends accelerating road transport electrification. “Within the next decade, shifting to passenger EVs will be a negative cost transition, delivering savings to consumers rather than additional costs,” the ETC said.

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How does this help

According to the ETC, this move could lead to around 20 per cent of cars on the road being electric by 2030.

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GtCO2 reduction

It could also deliver around 2 GtCO2/year of reductions along with an “additional 0.6 GtCO2/year of savings possible from low or negative cost action to improve heavy-duty truck efficiency.”

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But is it enough?

This is just one fraction of the plan to reduce global warming. The ETC recommends significant reductions in coal use, emissions from oil and gas leaks.

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Reforestation and energy efficiency

It also recommends halting deforestation and starting reforestation, accelerating supply decarbonisation in buildings, heavy industries, and improving energy and resource efficiency.

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What will it take to keep 1.5°C alive

To achieve this target the ETC recommends that by 2030 we should reduce methane emissions by 40 per cent and carbon dioxide emissions by 45 per cent. The onus is on not just governments, financial institutions, industrial sectors but on individuals as well.

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