Not enough savings, the fear of the contracting COVID-19 is mounted by an even bigger fear of being unable to bare the cost of its treatment, reveals survey.
A survey has found that 52% people don't have enough money saved to cover COVID-19 medical costs. But, it's not just medical bills people are worrying about. 23% of
respondents said they won't be able to pay bills like utilities, rents or loan payments this month - a bleak response that aligns with the 24% that reportedly lost their job due to the
coronavirus pandemic, in the United States. Things in India are not much different.
When asked about health
insurance coverage, 9% of respondents reported losing their health insurance during this pandemic. While more are bracing for the potential impact of unemployment, 56% said they don't know what their health insurance options are should they lose their coverage. In India too the hot topic is doe your medical insurance cover COVID-19?
India’s looming jobs crisis is starting to unravel within the first 21 days of coronavirus lockdownCoronavirus News and Updates