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Four young women awarded Women Excellence Award 2021 in Science and Tech by SERB

Four young women awarded Women Excellence Award 2021 in Science and Tech by SERB
Science1 min read
New Delhi, Four young women fellows of Indian National Science Academy have been awarded the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Women Excellence Award 2021 in the national capital for excelling in science and engineering on the International Day of Women and Girls.

The SERB Women Excellence Awards function was held on February 13. All four women received a grant of ₹15 lakh for a period of three years to pursue their research ideas.

It is a one-time award given to women scientists who are below 40 years and have received recognition from any one or more of the National Academies such as the 'Young Scientist Medal', 'Young Associateship', etc.

The four women scientists selected for the awards include Shobhna Kapoor, Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay; Antara Banerjee, Scientist B at National Institute For Research in Reproductive Health, Mumbai; Sonu Gandhi, Scientist D from National Institute Of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad and Ritu Gupta, who is an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT), Jodhpur.

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