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SSC GD Constable 2019: CRPF has released admit cards, download

SSC GD Constable 2019: CRPF has released admit cards, download
Education1 min read

The Central Reserve Police Force(CRPF) has released the Staff Selection Commission(SSC) constable GD physical admit card 2019. The candidates can download the admit cards from CRPF’s official website

The Physical Endurance Test(PET) and Physical Standard Test(PST) is expected to be held from 1 August 2019, as per the official notification.

Here’s how to download the admit card for SSC GD Constable 2019:

  • Visit the official website
  • Click on ‘SSC GD Constable Admit Card 2019’ tab.
  • Enter your login credentials including your registration number.
  • Download the admit card for future reference.
The SSC GD Constable exam was conducted from 11 February to 11 March 2019 for recruitment in CAPF, NIA, SSF and Rifleman in Assam Rifles.

With this, the Staff Selection Commission is planning to recruit for 54,953 posts. In total, 534,052 candidates have been selected for the physical test.


