The market capitalisation (mcap) of Reliance Industries tanked Rs 33,930.56 crore to Rs 19,94,765.01 crore, the most among the top-10 firms.
The valuation of Life Insurance Corporation of India (
The market valuation of
Bharti Airtel's mcap got wiped out by Rs 16,993.56 crore to Rs 8,33,396.32 crore and ICICI Bank suffered an erosion of Rs 16,975.55 crore to Rs 8,25,201.23 crore.
The valuation of
However, the mcap of Hindustan Unilever jumped Rs 12,946.24 crore to reach Rs 6,45,808.65 crore.
The valuation of ITC climbed Rs 8,406.26 crore to Rs 6,19,829.37 crore.
Reliance Industries retained the title of the most valued firm followed by TCS, HDFC Bank, Bharti Airtel, ICICI Bank, State Bank of India, Infosys, LIC, Hindustan Unilever and ITC.