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Bob Iger is back at Disney. He can't rely on the same old script.

Shana Lebowitz   

Bob Iger is back at Disney. He can't rely on the same old script.
  • Disney is looking to Bob Iger to lead the company and to find another successor — again.
  • Some research suggests that companies perform worse under returning CEOs than under new leadership.

Disney is looking to a sequel to repeat the success of the original.

The company reinstalled Bob Iger as CEO after he left the post in 2020, hoping that he can once again work his magic. But wishes and reality don't always align, even for Disney. History suggests that it can be hard for CEOs to top their first performance. To get it right, Iger will have to forget a lot of what he knows about the company.

Disney's announcement on Sunday night that Iger will stay on for two years and help identify a successor comes a few weeks after the company posted lackluster fiscal fourth-quarter profits. Disney shares jumped as much as 10% on Monday after the company announced that Iger would replace his handpicked successor, Bob Chapek.

Iger is among a number of CEOs — including Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey, and Howard Schultz — who returned to their former posts. But while there are some successes, companies tend to fare poorly under old management, research suggests. One working paper published in 2020 in the MIT Sloan Management Review found that the stock performance of companies led by returning CEOs was 10.1% lower compared to companies led by CEOs who were in the lead role for the first time.

Most returning CEOs perform worse than new leaders

Jobs transformed Apple financially when he returned to the CEO spot; Schultz did the same at Starbucks. Other returning chiefs, such as Dorsey at Twitter and Steve Ells at Chipotle, were less successful in orchestrating turnarounds.

For the MIT Sloan Management Review paper, researchers analyzed data on the performance of 167 returning CEOs of companies listed on the S&P Composite 1500 index between 1992 and 2017 and compared them to non-returning CEOs during the same time period. The researchers didn't study why returning CEOs performed worse but wrote in a 2020 article that many returning CEOs "barely recognize the company upon returning."

Ideally, a returning CEO combines their familiarity with the company, its stakeholders, and its business model with the knowledge and skills they've gained since they led the organization. (The same is true for returning employees of any rank.) The returning CEO also remains curious about new challenges the company is facing.

Michael Watkins, a professor of leadership and organizational change at Switzerland's IMD Business School, wrote in an email to Insider that he recommends returning CEOs adopt a "beginner's mind," a concept from Zen Buddhism that describes seeing the world anew, as if you didn't know anything about it. (Steve Jobs reportedly brought the same approach to his work at Apple.)

Returning CEOs should "approach the return as if they are a new CEO coming in from the outside," Watkins wrote.

Tacking Disney's challenges in this manner might be helpful for Iger. That's because a lot has changed in less than three years since he gave up his CEO title. Among other headwinds, the company's major streamers, Hulu, Disney+ and ESPN+ are battling for subscribers in a tough environment. Several premium streaming services saw the number of subscribers slow or remain flat year over year for at least the past three consecutive quarters.

A fresh take on an old company could prove invaluable for Iger. Carol Kauffman, an executive coach, a Harvard Medical School assistant professor, and a coauthor of the forthcoming book "Real-Time Leadership," said, "You want to be informed by the past, but not constrained by it."

Being "mindfully alert" as a returning CEO, Kauffman said, means you are "not bringing judgments to the table, but trying to keep an open mindset." The goal is to stay attuned to the challenges the company is facing in the moment and "not getting lost in the old moments and the old default behaviors," she added.

The alternative is that the returning CEO leans too heavily on their former experience. "They may think they understand what to do and how to do it," Watkins wrote. "But the world and the company may have changed substantially."

Leaders who, like Iger, left their companies before the pandemic hit might be especially surprised, said Kauffman. In general, "people are expecting much more nurturance and a lot more listening from a CEO" than they did before the pandemic, she said.

Not every returning CEO is able to practice this management style easily. "Although some executives may be able to adapt to these new challenges," the authors of the MIT Sloan Management Review paper wrote, referring to the ways in which the company has changed, "our evidence suggests that most do not."

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