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A great new technology has been introduced to cut down on the massive export delays at ports

A great new technology has been introduced to cut down on the massive export delays at ports
Strategy1 min read

If the new platform being developed gets completed, companies will get to know in advance when to move goods from factories or warehouses so that they can save the time of waiting at ports.

The platform, called the SWIFT system, was introduced in April by the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), and would allow importers and exporters to file just one form at ports so that they can get clearance from all agencies including the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Drug Controller General of India and Plant Quarantine and Wildlife Crime Control Bureau.

The SWIFT platform, or Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade, would also allow risk-based assessment at customs, while significantly cutting down on paperwork procedures and decreasing its time span that presently takes about six-seven days.

Delays in cargo clearance delays that happen at ports have been cited by many foreign investors as one of the key issues that form the obstacle in smooth foreign direct investment (FDI).

As per World Bank data, India ranks 133 in ease of doing business ranking on the "trading across borders" parameter, which is mainly because of high-cost paperwork taking too much time.

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