TCS chief N Chandrasekaran said the private sector was around four times of the government business. If roughly calculated, TCS’ government business would be around $250 million.
TCS has bagged a number of government projects such as Passport, MNREGA, India Post, etc
"We want to be involved in the transformation of India, so we have learnt to evaluate projects. And after projects like Passport, we have very experienced project managers who can work on the scale and complexity that working with the government needs," Chandrasekaran told ET.
India’s largest IT firm is bidding for Digital India contracts.
"The government business is a double-edged sword. The contract wins can look large and attractive but the hassles are equally big. The amount ($200-250m) is a good chunk but to say it will become bigger would be of some concern," an analyst with a Mumbai-based brokerage told ET.
It is noteworthy that Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy had once said that the company did not make any money from any government project.
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