11 Sergey Brin Quotes That Reveal How Google Became One Of The Most Powerful Companies In The World


To me, this is about preserving history and making it available to everyone.

To me, this is about preserving history and making it available to everyone.

via Entrepreneur


"We believed we could build a better search. We had a simple idea that not all pages are created equal. Some are more important."

"We believed we could build a better search. We had a simple idea that not all pages are created equal. Some are more important."

via UC Berkeley News


Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world.

Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world.

via ABC News

We wouldn't survive if people didn't trust us.

We wouldn't survive if people didn't trust us.

Said during Re/code's Code Conference


We want Google to be the third half of your brain.

We want Google to be the third half of your brain.

Said during the company's Google Instant event in 2010.

We saw that a thousand results weren't necessarily as useful as 10 good ones.

We saw that a thousand results weren't necessarily as useful as 10 good ones.

Playboy Interview: Google Guys (via the Securities and Exchange Commission)


Ultimately you want to have the entire world's knowledge connected directly to your mind.

Ultimately you want to have the entire world's knowledge connected directly to your mind.

Playboy Interview: Google Guys (via the Securities and Exchange Commission)

I feel there's an existential angst among young people. I didn't have that. They see enormous mountains, where I only saw one little hill to climb.

I feel there's an existential angst among young people. I didn't have that. They see enormous mountains, where I only saw one little hill to climb.

via The Los Angeles Times


When it’s too easy to get money, then you get a lot of noise mixed in with the real innovation and entrepreneurship. Tough times bring out the best parts of Silicon Valley.

When it’s too easy to get money, then you get a lot of noise mixed in with the real innovation and entrepreneurship. Tough times bring out the best parts of Silicon Valley.

via The Los Angeles Times

“You always hear the phrase, money doesn’t buy you happiness. But I always in the back of my mind figured a lot of money will buy you a little bit of happiness. But it’s not really true.”

“You always hear the phrase, money doesn’t buy you happiness. But I always in the back of my mind figured a lot of money will buy you a little bit of happiness. But it’s not really true.”

via Janet Lowe's book "Google Speaks: Secrets Of The World's Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin And Larry Page"


“We have tried to define precisely what it means to be a force for good – always do the right, ethical thing. Ultimately, ‘Don’t be evil’ seems the easiest way to summarize it.”

“We have tried to define precisely what it means to be a force for good – always do the right, ethical thing. Ultimately, ‘Don’t be evil’ seems the easiest way to summarize it.”

via Evan Carmichael

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