With a starting price of Rs 24,999 and Rs 29,999 for non-touch and touch versions, respectively, the newly-launched laptops are now available on online and offline platforms.
"Continuing with our passion for offering the best solutions for Gen Z and
The series features an 11.6-inch HD display that provides a comfortable viewing experience for extended learning sessions. The display is certified by
The ASUS BR1100Apacks in a large 3-cell 42Wh battery that allows for a cool up to 10-hour battery life on a single charge.
The laptops are powered by a Dual-Core Intel N4500 Celeron 2.8GHz processor, fast 4GB DDR4 onboard memory coupled with a 128GB NVMe SSD.
They also come with a widespread of enterprise-level security aspects to protect your valuable data including a dedicated TPM 2.0, a physical webcam shield,