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This new Google Chrome malware can steal your credit and debit card information

This new Google Chrome malware can steal your credit and debit card information
Tech1 min read
  • Emotet malware was developed as a banking trojan that steals personal information.
  • The malware was deactivated a year ago but has again been detected in November 2021.
  • This time, Google Chrome users are at risk as it targets stealing credit and debit card information.
Google Chrome users are yet again at the risk of being compromised by another banking trojan. This time, it’s not a new one, but it is capable of stealing your credit and debit card information.

The malware known as Emotet mainly spreads through spam mails and tempts users to click on the infected files and links. Originally, the Emotet virus was used to access the sensitive and private information of foreign devices.

After staying dormant for a while, it seems like Emotet has made its way back again with its new variant that targets Google Chrome users by stealing their card information.

Emotet peeks into your system and tries to steal card information like name, expiry date and card numbers from Google Chrome profiles. It collects information and then transfers it to the command-and-control (C2) server. Also, it has the ability to hide from anti-virus software.

Tips to keep yourself protected from Emotet
  • Install all security updates to prevent the virus from sneaking in.
  • Scan your system regularly and install all the necessary virus and malware protection programs.
  • Read the mails carefully and avoid clicking on fishy links.
  • Keep a backup of your data.
Emotet is considered one of the most dangerous malware as it not only spreads via mail but also is used as a dropper for other malwares like TrickBot. TrickBot is also a banking trojan that steals and accesses personal information, financial details and account credentials by sending fraud banking links.

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