The 25 best jobs in America right now


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Know how to creatively solve problems? There are some great job options out there for you.

Every January, Glassdoor publishes its list of the best jobs of the year. For the second year in a row, the top spot goes to data scientist.


"This report reinforces that the best jobs are highly-skilled and are staying ahead of the growing trend toward workplace automation," Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor's chief economist, tells Business Insider. He explains that the skills helping workers stay ahead of automation are creativity, judgment, and flexibility.

"Those are aspects of work that are extremely difficult to automate, and having them allows workers to team up with technology to become more productive, rather than simply being replaced by it," Chamberlain says.

"Many of the jobs on this list require proficiency in these 'soft' skills," he explains. "In tech, that includes data science and engineering, which requires the ability to creatively solve problems to deliver business value. In healthcare, that includes physical therapists and nurses, which require the ability to form personal relationships and to be flexible in delivering smart diagnoses and great care to patients."

Glassdoor's 50 Best Jobs in America report identifies careers with the highest overall "job score," which is determined by weighing three factors equally: earning potential (median annual base salary), job satisfaction rating, and number of job openings.


For a job title to be considered, it had to receive at least 100 salary reports and 100 job satisfaction ratings shared by US-based employees over the past year. The number of job openings per job title represents active job listings on Glassdoor as of January 1, 2017.

While Chamberlain says that this year's list of best jobs reinforces that tech and healthcare jobs may be great options for people to consider this year, many of the best jobs are also ones that can be found in almost every industry.

"For instance, jobs like accounting manager and communications manager are new to this year's list, but can be found in almost every industry, from tech to healthcare to retail to finance to entertainment," Chamberlain says. "The skills required for these jobs are needed in some capacity in almost every industry across the board, which is encouraging for people with those specific skills."

Below are the 25 best jobs in America right now. And head over to Glassdoor for the full list: