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International Yoga Day: Five yoga asanas that help cope with Covid

International Yoga Day: Five yoga asanas that help cope with Covid
Thelife3 min read
  • Practicing yoga asanas can be one effective way to tackle breathing problems, improving immunity and mental health.
  • Some clinical studies show that breathing and lung-strengthening exercises can help in restoring saturation levels and cope with the infection better.
  • Pranayama, Anulom Vilom are some yoga asanas for COVID affected people.
COVID-19 infection made lungs and immunity weaker than ever before. Breathlessness, discomfort in breathing, difficulty in exercising are some of the common side effects of Covid and a lot of people have been suffering from it.

Practicing yoga asanas can be one effective way for not just tackling breathing problems but also improving overall immunity and mental health as well.

"The practice of yoga serves as a holistic approach to the physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being of humanity,” said United Nations General Assembly President Abdulla Shahid on the occasion of International Yoga Day.

Some clinical studies show that breathing and lung-strengthening exercises can help in restoring saturation levels and cope with the infection better. Doctors also recommend the Covid affected to practice yoga asanas and deep breathing exercises.

These are some common Yoga exercises for COVID people —


It is one of the best breathing exercises to improve lung capacity as well as soothe the nerves.

To perform this asana, first cross your legs and kneel down on the ground. Elevate your head and shoulders and extend your body a little. Then, take a deep breath in stretching your spine and then slowly breathe out.

Repeat the process for at least 10 minutes by sitting at one place. Studies also suggest that Pranayama also promotes relaxation and mindfulness.

2. Bhastrika Pranayama

This asana helps in building the capacity of the body. This one is similar to the previous pranayama. In this also, you inhale a deep breathe in and breathe out in 1:1 ratio. For example, if you breathe in for four counts then exhale out in four counts only.

3. Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari reduces fatigue and mental stress. In this asana, we make a humming sound just like a bee, it is commonly also known as ‘bee breath’.

To perform this asana, place your thumbs on your ear flap and index finger on your forehead, middle finger on Medial Canthus (point between lower and upper eyelid) and ring finger on the corner of your nostril.

Take a deep breath in and then exhale while making a humming sound, while keeping your mouth closed. You will feel a vibration within your head and body.

4. Pursed lip breathing

It is one of the best techniques to increase Oxygen intake. To perform this exercise, sit in a relaxed position. Then, inhale slowly through your nose for several seconds while keeping your mouth closed. Purse your lips and then slowly breathe out all the air.

The agenda behind this exercise is to try and exhale longer breath counts than you inhale.

5. Anulom Vilom

This asana helps in purifying toxins from the lungs and gets rid of excess fluid build-up.

To practice this asana, cross your legs and sit and place your hands on knees. Then close your eyes and place your right thumb on your right nostril, take a deep breath from your left nostril. Then, close your left nostril with your right finger and hold it for a few seconds (according to your holding capacity) and then lift your right thumb and exhale completely.

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