Top 10 coffee consuming countries in the world

Aug 25, 2021

By: Vaamanaa Sethi

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The demand for coffee remained unaffected during the COVID-19 pandemic,...

...but coffee producing countries like Brazil and India faced major challenges.

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Brazil also witnessed climatic adversities while India made a comeback in instant coffee making in April 2021.

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These are highest coffee consuming countries in world, as per Nirmal Bang’s Global Coffee Activity Tracker —

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Finnish people consume the highest amount of coffee with 12 kilogram (kg) per capita yearly. According to Insider, most people in Finland drink 5-8 cups every day.

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With 9.9 kg per capita, Norway comes in the second place where around 80 percent of people drink coffee everyday. The people of Norway prefer to have a cup of coffee with every meal.

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A single person in Iceland consumes around 9 kg of coffee per capita per year. The reason behind this huge consumption could be the cold climate of the country.

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Denmark is known as a coffee-drinking nation as it consumes 8.7 kg of coffee per capita per year. If we calculate an average, a person consumes 1.46 cups of coffee everyday.

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Europe produces one of the finest quality coffee around the world. With 8.4 kg per capita, The Netherlands is one of the biggest consumers of coffee in Europe.

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Many reports suggest that Swedes consider coffee as their energy drink to reduce their tiredness. The consumption of coffee in Sweden is 8.2 kg per capita per year.

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Switzerland is home to many famous instant coffee brands like Nescafe. With the consumption of 7.9 kg per capita per year, it is obvious that people in Switzerland are really fond of coffee.

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The consumption rate of coffee in Belgium is 6.8 kg per capita per year. The data clearly shows that Belgians are enthusiastic coffee drinkers.

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A major reason behind Luxembourg listed in the top 10 can be the low prices of coffee as compared to other European countries. Luxembourg consumes 6.5 kg of coffee per capita per year.

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Canada also consumes 6.5 kg of coffee per capita per year, which means a person on an average consumes 2.7 cups of the beverage every day.

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