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These simple tips will help you become a good manager for your team

These simple tips will help you become a good manager for your team
Careers1 min read

Team management is a crucial key skill that comes to play when you get into a senior role. And while it may seem to be an easy job, trust us when we say you have got it all wrong. If you are looking at such role and have been scratching your head to improve yourself, here are a few simple tips that can really help you in the long run.

Be patient

Understand that everyone’s different and will naturally have different temperaments. Thus, be patient while dealing with someone who reacts differently from you.

Be polite

This goes a long way in becoming a good people’s manager. Be polite while talking to someone irrespective of their designations. Even if you are facing issues with someone, talk to them nicely.


It is important to communicate with your team. If you feel something needs to change, talk to the team. If it’s at an individual level, speak to the person in a close-door meeting.

Be trustworthy

A good manager is always trustworthy. If one of your subordinate confides in you, understand that he trusts you enough. Respect it and do not gossip about it.

Be receptive

This is extremely important when you want to be a manager. Be open to difference in opinions. Similarly be open to negative feedback or criticism. This only helps you grow as a manager.


