This lucky woman got Bill Gates as a Reddit Secret Santa and he's showering her with thoughtful gifts


Bill Gates Secret Santa Photoshop


Bill Gates Secret Santa Photoshop

Every year, Reddit puts on a massive Secret Santa gift exchange, and, every year, one lucky person gets Bill Gates as a Santa. And boy, is he good at it.


Alicia, also known as Reddit user "Aerrix" (who describes herself as a woman who loves video games, "The Legend of Zelda," "The Little Mermaid," "Harry Potter," and Nintendo) got blown off by her Secret Santa last year. But she faithfully signed up again. And was that ever a smart move.

Her first clue that the billionaire had pulled her name was that the box that arrived was huge. And he spared no expense in shipping it overnight either.

Her second clue: Bill Gates wrote her a personal letter and enclosed a picture of himself with the letter, wearing a Santa hat. When you're Bill Gates and you're someone's Secret Santa, part of the fun is proving that this gift really came from you.

The letter said:


"I can't believe your Secret Santa left you hanging last year. To ensure you don't lose faith in the Reddit Community I've enclosed several gifts that I hope you enjoy. There are a few video games for you to play, some things to keep you warm, and three of my favorite movies to watch over the holidays.

"I've also made a donation in your name to to help give more students the chance to learn computer science.

"With Best Wishes from Seattle, Bill Gates.

"P.S. I won't be able to consult with the Sorting Hat but I can tell that you are quite clever - so I got a pair of Ravenclaw slippers from Hot Topic."

The huge box was stuffed with individually wrapped presents, 12 in all.


Bill Gates Secret Santa Gift


Bill Gates 2016 Secret Santa Gift

An ecstatic Aerrix posted a long note, along with photos of everything, on the Reddit Gifts site, writing:

"I'm just blown away by his generosity, which went even further than all these gifts because he submitted a donation to in my name to give more students the chance to learn computer science, which is AWESOME because it's something near and dear to my heart."