Today’s top tech news: YouTube hides comments, Facebook moderators suffer from PTSD, and a Tinder date goes horribly wrong

Today’s top tech news: YouTube hides comments, Facebook moderators suffer from PTSD, and a Tinder date goes horribly wrong


  • YouTube has rolled out a new feature that hides video comments by default in India trying to reduce the negative impact of trolls and online harassment.
  • Facebook moderators working in Tampa, Florida broke their non-disclosure agreement to disclose the suboptimal conditions of their workplace at Cognizant.
  • A Tinder date went horribly wrong when a techie from Bangalore got arrested for having sex on the pretext of marriage.
  • Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio plans on going public next year, which will increase the telecom company’s capacity to borrow money.
  • Walmart’s being fined $282 million by the US for bribing government officials in other countries — including India.
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