
You Searched For "morning larks" and got 19 results

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3 mins read

Lark Health launched its preventative health tool for patients at risk of chronic conditions

Lark expanded on its personalized prevention tools through a January 2019 partnership with genetic …

Dane Finley   

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2 mins read

Here's more evidence that morning people are more successful

"The students who were larks tended to arrive more punctually for their morning lectures," Jarrett …

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

A science-backed online test can tell you whether you're a morning person or night owl

There are a number of factors that influence this, including genetic traits that affect how much sl…

Kevin Loria   

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5 mins read

There's a scientific explanation for why you're a morning person or night owl - but it's possible to reset your internal clock

According to Welsh, those who want to start waking up earlier should try to expose themselves to br…

Kevin Loria   

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3 mins read

A sleep expert says our morning school and work schedules are completely wrong, and it's terrible news for our health

In line with Kelley's advice, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that middle and high sc…

Tanya Lewis   

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4 mins read

Many highly successful people wake up early with no alarm — a sleep expert explains how anyone can learn to master the habit

Oprah wakes up between 6 and 6:20 without using an alarm. She's just one ultra-successful person re…

Mike Dow   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
8 mins read

I'm a Florida local who regularly travels to Key West. These are my 10 favorite places to stay, from beach resorts to boutique villas.

Whether you're looking for a luxurious resort or a boutique bungalow with colonial-era decor, there…

Chelsea Greenwood   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
8 mins read

I'm a Florida local who regularly travels to Key West. These are my 10 favorite places to stay, from beach resorts to boutique villas.

Whether you're looking for a luxurious resort or a boutique bungalow with colonial-era decor, there…

Chelsea Greenwood   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Why You're More Likely To Lie When You're Tired

For the second experiment, the research team randomly assigned their subjects to a laboratory sessi…

Richard Feloni   

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4 mins read

I use this gentle baby balm to ease my toddler's skin irritation when her eczema flares up

Pipette Baby Balm is a baby lotion alternative that's vegan and free of synthetic ingredients. Here…

Mandy Major   

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3 mins read

Women who wake up early may be less likely to develop depression, according to a new study - but the advice for optimum sleep remains unchanged

The results show that someone's chronotype - or body clock - could be a factor in developing depres…

Lindsay Dodgson   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

Night owls have an increased risk for death - and it may be society's fault

Since it's only possible to shift body clocks so much, the authors of the study suggest that flexib…

Kevin Loria   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
3 mins read

Stanford's brightest were lining up to get jobs from these startups you've never heard of

Lark came out swinging in 2010 with the launch of a silent alarm device, but its signature product …

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

How to figure out how much sleep you really need

"Where you define owl or lark is really arbitrary," says Dr. David Welsh, an associate professor st…

Kevin Loria   

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2 mins read

The 10 things in advertising you need to know today

1. Amazon has quietly launched seven fashion brands while ramping up hiring for its own clothing li…

Will Heilpern,Will Heilpern   

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

Figure Out How Much Sleep You Really Need

There are night owls, most comfortable being awake and alert later on in the day and into the night…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

How To Figure Out How Much Sleep You Really Need

There are night owls, most comfortable being awake and alert later on in the day and into the night…

Business Insider Latest Story Image
4 mins read

I tried 'Dry January' for the first time, and all I got was insomnia

In severe cases, alcohol withdrawal can cause insomnia and other sleep problems. Studies suggest th…

Lindsay Dodgson   

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6 mins read

People are raving about the world's first 'approved' birth control app - but there's a big reason it might not work for you

Fertility awareness methods also aren't advisable for women who have a sexually-transmitted infecti…

Erin Brodwin