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Veenu Paliwal death: Seven celebrities who died doing what they loved

Veenu Paliwal death: Seven celebrities who died doing what
they loved
Thelife1 min read

Veenu Paliwal, counted amongst the very best female bikers from India, passed away yesterday after being involved in a tragic bike accident in Vidisha district, Madhya Pradesh. Paliwal, who was known to have rode a Harley Davidson at the speed of 180 kmph in the past, met her tragic end when her bike skid off the main road, leading to several injuries that proved to be fatal.

While it’s outright tragic that we lost a talented biker to a freakish accident, one can find solace in the fact that she died doing what she had loved doing her entire life, riding her Harley Davidson.

Not everyone is lucky enough to identify their passion in life, let alone live it and die for it. Here is a list of seven other celebrities who left the world smiling, because the last thing they did was what they had lived for.

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