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What it's like to be a billionaire in Tel Aviv, one of the most expensive cities in the world, where old wealth and new tech money live side by side

Marissa Perino   

What it's like to be a billionaire in Tel Aviv, one of the most expensive cities in the world, where old wealth and new tech money live side by side
Thelife1 min read

tel aviv mansion

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A Bauhaus-style building in historic Tel Aviv.

Tel Aviv is one of the hottest cities in the Middle East.

On top of its rich history, Tel Aviv is home to some of the coolest tech startups, whose execs help contribute to the city's wealthy population. Additionally, the city boasts offices for American tech giants such as Google and Facebook.

Read more: McDonald's, Nvidia and Salesforce all want a bite of the Tel Aviv tech crop. Here's what you need to know about Israel's bustling M&A scene.

Second only to Jerusalem in terms of population, Tel Aviv has recently seen an increase in tourism. The seaside location once again ranked as one of the world's most expensive cities; this year, Tel Aviv tied for tenth place on the list with Los Angeles.

Billionaires in Tel Aviv include real estate mogul Eyal Ofer and heiress Shari Arison - the richest woman in Israel. Many billionaire homes and shopping centers are found in the historic Rothschild area, which features Bauhaus architecture and a booming real-estate market.

As The Wall Street Journal's Ruth Bloomfield wrote in 2015, "Wealthy Israelis have long gravitated to Tel Aviv's cosmopolitan atmosphere, but this old money has more recently been joined by young entrepreneurs who have made their fortunes in tech startups, a major growth sector in Israel."

Keep reading for a look at luxury lifestyle in Tel Aviv.


