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Who has the best cheap car insurance in Arkansas?

Liz Knueven   

Conway Arkansas

Photolitherland/Wikimedia Commons

Car insurance in Arkansas is relatively affordable.

  • Arkansas's car insurance costs aren't incredibly expensive, but the fact that Arkansas has no-fault legislation on the books means that residents will have to pay for an extra type of coverage called Personal Injury Protection (also known as PIP).
  • The best cheap car insurance in Arizona comes from USAA and Farmers for drivers with excellent and good credit, and Shelter Mutual for those with poor credit.
  • But the driver who will get the best deals on car insurance in Arkansas is the one who does their homework and shops around to compare quotes.
  • Read more personal finance coverage.

There are quite a few affordable car insurance options in Arkansas, though rates might be higher than other states thanks to Arkansas' no-fault laws. In a basic sense, this system says that if you're involved in an accident, both drivers will file their own insurance claims with an insurance company. These no-fault laws also requires a type of insurance coverage called PIP, or Personal Injury protection.

In addition to the coverage you'll need as required by state law, car insurance is priced on a variety of different factors, like your age, the car you drive, your gender, and more. Every insurance company will quote every driver a different cost - also called a premium - to maintain coverage.

No matter what state you live in, you should be shopping around when getting car insurance. Given the fact that each insurance company prices everyone's policy differently, you'll want to get quotes from several different companies to make sure you're getting the best policy for your money.

Who has the best cheap car insurance in Arkansas?

Consumer Reports compiled pricing formulas from each insurance company in every state and calculated what they would charge the average single adult driver. One of the major factors in what your car insurance premium will cost is your credit score. Here are the three best companies for each credit level according to Consumer Reports data, along with the average premium for a single adult driver.

Here are the best insurance companies for drivers with good credit (or credit scores of 670 to 739), along with the average premium for a single adult driver.

  • USAA car insurance: $1,054 per year
  • Farmers car insurance: $1,159 per year
  • State Farm car insurance: $ 1,214 per year

And those with excellent credit scores above 800 will get the best rates of all, with USAA leading as the most affordable.

  • USAA car insurance: $933 per year
  • Farmers car insurance: $956 per year
  • State Farm car insurance: $ 999 per year

And for drivers with poor credit, Shelter Mutual insurance company offers the lowest rates. However, drivers with poor credit scores will pay the most for premiums.

  • Shelter Mutual car insurance: $1,949 per year
  • Farmers car insurance: $2,019 per year
  • GEICO car insurance: $2,178 per year

Who gets the best cheap car insurance in Arkansas?

As the average figures by Consumer Reports show above, those with the best credit scores will get the best rates. But, there are other factors as well, including things like where you live within Arkansas and other personal factors.

But, shopping around is another way you're making sure that you're getting the most for your money. You'll want to get quotes from several different companies and compare them. Look past just the price tag of the monthly premium - also consider the different types of coverages and their respective limits. Additionally, look at the deductible, or the amount you'll pay out of pocket if you get into an accident.

Generally, the cheaper the policy you get, the higher the deductible will be, and the less coverage you'll get. By shopping around, you can make sure that you get the most coverage for your money.


