scorecard10 private and luxurious vacation rentals for the ultra rich
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10 private and luxurious vacation rentals for the ultra rich

This home in Matugama, Sri Lanka, rents for up to $1,445 a night.    Mountain View The Perfect Holiday Homes; Nature Retreats Vol. I/Lannoo Publishers

  • Vacation rentals offer a level of privacy and intimacy that hotels cannot match.
  • When money is no object, renting a vacation home can be the ultimate in luxury.
  • A new book features photos of some of the most beautiful vacation rentals around the world.

Some people stay in hotels while traveling abroad, but the ultra rich sometimes opt for private home vacation rentals with sweeping views, ultimate privacy, and on-site chefs.

In a new book out by Lannoo Publishers, "Mountain View The Perfect Holiday Homes; Nature Retreats Vol. I," a collection of these homes are hand-picked and featured by travel journalist Sebastiaan Bedaux.

With prime locations in the woods, on waterfronts, and atop mountain peaks, these homes are all available to rent - but come with a hefty price tag.

From inside a luxurious mountain dug-out in Switzerland, to a mirror house in Bolzano, Italy, these are one-of-a-kind homes that make any travel experience unique.

Below, a selection of some of the most expensive homes featured in the book.

