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15 Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids

15 Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids
LifeThelife1 min read

michael bloomberg and daughter georgina

REUTERS/Ray Stubblebine

Michael Bloomberg and daughter Georgina

Not all of the world's billionaires are dedicated to being extraordinarily altruistic — many decide to spend their money indulging in fancy cars, planes, and yachts.

But others want to spread as much of their wealth as possible before they die. A select few even want that last check to only cover the cost of their funeral.

Of course, not everyone stands to gain from such selflessness — namely, the children of these generous donors.

Though they will still have untold opportunities, advantages, and connections, to help them succeed, the children of these 15 tycoons won't be living large off their inheritances.

Eric Goldschein also contributed to this story.

