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4 Lessons We Can Learn From Uber’s Delhi Rape Incident

4 Lessons
We Can Learn From Uber’s Delhi Rape Incident
StrategyStrategy2 min read

Couple of days back Delhi, the capital of India faced another rape incident. Unlike most instances, this case has been embroiled under the controversy of taxi-centric app called Uber. While many people are shouting at the top of their lungs that such apps should be banned (and the government heard them and banned Uber Delhi), but we seriously think this incident has not everything just related to the app. It is actually a wakeup call for all of us—it’s time when we should remind ourselves that technology has to be used wisely if we really want it to be a boon (not bane). Here is our take on what we think the government should really do to prevent such mishaps.

All cabs need to be supremely governed
Technology is there for our disposal, then why not use it. Implement GPS-trackers and track down cab drivers activity every single second. All cab service providers, be it private firms or public brands need to understand the importance of having a GPS tracker on the cars. If you’ve seen various cases of speed-car chase in the US, then it’s easy for car companies to keep a track of the driver and his position. Merely by installing an iPhone and relying thoroughly on its positioning service is just not done. The cost of GPS technology has come down, Internet infrastructure can also be relied upon—all that is required is that can service providers get the gear in place.

Uber-like cases should be governed under law
So, when the media approached Uber for its statement on the recent incident, the company basically stated that it does not have to comply with laws of a taxi-service company, as they never were one of those. Yes, it’s just an app that acts like a mediator between the taxi vendor and the nearest car available to the consumer. But surely, some laws can be implemented to make sure companies like Uber cannot evade the judicial governance. Make them accountable for their actions; put them through paces for cyber law and any other possible measures that can be taken.

Driver IDs need full proof e-governance support
If Narendra Modi has been serious about implementing e-governance in the country, then Driver’s ID mechanism could hugely get benefitted. Our country, sadly, is known for being the most corrupted, so why not take that reasoning out of equation by diverting the driver’s credentials, to a newer and complex set of database. This way, any driver plying on with the cab providers will be tested and judged for their professional experience only with information about any criminal record, work profile all included. Easier said than done. To get the house in order, some major steps are dearly needed from the government.

More traffic and street CCTVs can help
The importance of close-circuit camera TV has never been understood by the security forces in India. If fitted on street or traffic lights, they can easily capture the offender or even the offense in some cases which can help the law force prevent mishaps, even before it happens. `More than any help of technology, the society needs to change its mindset and not take law for granted. Cab-taking customers will never feel comfortable unless they get the right kind of support from all possible avenues.


