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Food trucks are becoming the new way to cater weddings

Food trucks are becoming the new way to cater weddings
IndiaLatest2 min read

The last thing you should worry about on your wedding day is the food. Now, food trucks are starting to dominate the wedding scene.

According to Pinterest's 2016 Wedding Trends Report, searches for "food truck weddings" are up 30% this year.

Couples are choosing food trucks for their weddings because they are usually cheaper and they also tend to produce an open, warm environment at the wedding.

Food Revolt reported that a single food truck can handle 75 to 100 guests. The average wedding has 178 guests, so two food trucks could be a smart option and would allow for a bigger variety of food. 


Food trucks will also save you big bucks. The average price of a catered reception is around $66 per guest, which would be a total of around $8,844, assuming you have the average number of guests.

Food trucks, on the other hand, cost about $20 a person, adding up to $5,360, saving you $3,500. Of course, this depends on the kind of food truck you want for your big day, but negotiation will take you a long way.  

The food at your wedding has the power to set the tone and atmosphere for the rest of the day and evening. It sets the tone for a casual, outdoorsy wedding. 

Food trucks serve all sorts of cuisine.

You could even opt for fast food, like In-N-Out. 

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