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The best 13 companies for women in tech

The best 13 companies for women in tech
Tech2 min read

By now it should be obvious that the tech industry isn't exactly teaming with women, particularly the engineering or technical jobs.

"Making up about 23 percent of the technical workforce and earning about 18 percent of computer science degrees, women are underrepresented in the technical workforce, and are leaving the industry at twice the rate as men due to the inhospitable tech environment," the Anita Borg Institute says.

It's crazy that an industry that is growing so fast, and engaged in such epic talent wars, hasn't yet figured out how to be "hospitable" to the folks that that make up half the population.

But there are some companies that do a superior job of recruiting women and - most importantly - making a career path for them.

ABI just released its annual list of the top employers for technical women. It looked how many women each company employed at entry, mid, senior, and executive levels; how well women were promoted within the company, the number of women in tech fast-track or leadership programs and outreach/recruitment programs aimed at women.

And the winner was: investment company BNY Mellon.

12 other companies also scored well for a shout out.
American Express
Goldman Sachs
Rackspace Hosting
T. Rowe Price

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