scorecardA couple who ditched their 9-5 jobs years ago to travel the world explain how they afford it
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A couple who ditched their 9-5 jobs years ago to travel the world explain how they afford it

Goats on the Road

Nick Wharton and Dariece Swift work in the sun on Holbox Island, Mexico.

In February 2008, Nick Wharton and Dariece Swift returned home to Canada from an all-inclusive vacation in Mexico.

"We felt like we got a taste of the tropics, living the dream," Swift remembers. "We did a day trip and took these ATVs out and went through the jungle and the local villages. and it was so different from home that it kind of triggered something."

That something came to a head about a month later. "Nick had a brutal day at work and said, 'That's it,'" Swift recalls. When he asked where she'd go if she could travel for a year, she was quick to answer: Southeast Asia.

Only nine months later, they sold their house, car, and most of their possessions, set off for Southeast Asia, and have been figuring out how to support their adventures as they travel ever since.

Now 30-year-old Wharton and 31-year-old Swift detail their adventures on their website, Goats on the Road, and here, they explain how they make it work.

