scorecardA Google Street View Car May Have Run Over A Dog In Chile
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A Google Street View Car May Have Run Over A Dog In Chile

A Google Street View Car May Have Run Over A Dog In Chile
Tech2 min read


When your job is to drive a car down every street on the planet, taking photos to create a map of everything on Earth, you're probably going to accidentally hit some animals who dart out in front of you.

That may have happened on a dusty road in Chile, as Google's Street View mapping cars were recording Meza Bell 2815-2861 in the Quinta Normal, Región Metropolitana.

WARNING: Some of these images might be a little upsetting. We can't confirm what happened exactly, but it doesn't look good for the dog. There is one ray of hope. One image suggests that the dog may merely have been rolling in the dust as the car went by - that scenario happened with a donkey that everyone thought in 2013 had been hit by a Google Street View car.

On Street View, here's what you can see as the car heads along Meza Bell toward the upcoming intersection with Lazo de la Vega.

That little doggy sure is cute, but it's right in front of the car!

google street view dog chile


As the car passes by, the dog disappears ... there is a blur on the image ... oh dear ...

google street view car dog


Now we are looking backwards at the spot where the dog was. (There is a person and another dog near that red car, and they seem to have noticed something.) That little dog doesn't look good at all ...

Google street view car dog


We're still looking out the rearview as the car moves further toward the intersection. We've enlarged this image from a distance. The dog appears to have changed position - suggesting it survived.

google street view dog car


Now we're even further away, but the dog hasn't moved.

google street view car dog


We asked Google for comment and we'll update this story if we hear back.

