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Actually, most people in San Francisco like the tech industry

Actually, most people in San Francisco like the tech industry
Tech1 min read

Despite the company buses and inflated housing costs, San Franciscans generally support tech companies in the city, according to an EMC Research poll reported by SFGate.

The poll, commissioned by Mayor Ed Lee's reelection campaign, found that 65% of respondents had a favorable view of the tech industry. 68% of respondents said they supported tech industry growth.

San Francisco residents pointed to housing costs as the biggest problem facing the city today. 37% said affordable housing was their number one concern.

Transportation and homelessness, the next highest-ranking issues, each only resonated with 12% of respondents.

So although San Franciscans are seeing housing costs rise, they seem not to blame the tech industry.

The community's support for companies like Twitter and Pinterest is good news for Mayor Ed Lee, who has aligned himself with the city's startup culture.

Lee, who is up for re-election in 2015, reportedly visits a new startup once a week.

San Francisco wasn't always known for astronomical rent prices. Earlier waves of tech growth were centered on the peninsula, so employees wanted to live south of the city.

But this most recent boom saw companies move downtown, and their employees along with them.

