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Almost every phone has this feature, but most people don't know what it does

Almost every phone has this feature, but most people don't know what it does
IndiaLatest2 min read
The Samsung Galaxy S6 and LG G4 both have HDR modes.    Antonio Villas-Boas

You might have noticed the three letters "HDR" on your smartphone's camera app when you're lining up a picture, and you might wonder whether to keep it on or off.

It's generally better to keep it on, and here's why:

HDR stands for "High Dynamic Range," and it helps make your pictures look better by making your smartphone take three pictures instead of just one. Each of the three pictures are taken with different levels of brightness (exposure).

Your smartphone's camera app then essentially mixes parts from the three pictures to create a single picture with the best balance of dark and light.

You won't see the three pictures with varying exposures in your phone's photo gallery, but one will be taken with high exposure, the other with normal exposure, and the last with low exposure. They'll likely look like the first three pictures below. The end-result is the 4th picture.

Antonio Villas-Boas/Tech Insider

Here's a bigger version of the HDR photo, which take elements from all three differently exposed pictures:

hdr photo description

Antonio Villas-Boas/Tech Insider

HDR mixes the three photos taken with difference levels of exposure.

It doesn't work with every situation

If your phone has an auto-HDR feature, you might not need to worry about the following situations. But it's good to know as the auto-HDR features in many smartphone aren't perfect.

HDR works best for dimly-lit environments without using flash (often indoors), close-up shots, most landscapes, and most portraits.

But if you want to keep stark contrasts like a silhouette against a bright window, or vivid colors, you're better off turning HDR off.

hdr on vs off

Antonio Villas-Boas/Tech Insider

This picture looks better with HDR on, but if you want to capture a silhouette against a bright background, you'd want HDR off.

It's also not ideal if you or your subject is moving because your phone is taking three pictures instead of one, and you end up with some blurring.

NOW WATCH: 10 things you didn't know your iPhone camera could do

