scorecardArizona's Crazy 'Sheriff Joe' Arrests A Six-Year Old Girl Suspected Of Illegal Immigration
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Arizona's Crazy 'Sheriff Joe' Arrests A Six-Year Old Girl Suspected Of Illegal Immigration

Arizona's Crazy 'Sheriff Joe' Arrests A Six-Year Old Girl Suspected Of Illegal Immigration
IndiaLaw Order1 min read

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office arrested a six-year-old girl as part of a raid on suspected undocumented workers Friday, a sign that the bellicose Arizona sheriff has no intention of following President Barack Obama's new immigration directive.

The Arizona Republic reports that the girl was with 15 other people suspected of coming into the U.S. illegally, and has been turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement "to try and determine where she's from."

The arrest occurred just hours after Obama announced that he was ordering a halt on deportations of young undocumented immigrants who do not pose a risk to national security. Arpaio - a conservative media firebrand who goes by the moniker "Sheriff Joe" - immediately spoke out against the order, and vowed to keep arresting undocumented immigrants, regardless of their age.

"We enforce the human-smuggling laws here," Arpaio told the Republic. "Every chance I can get to take action on my own without turning them over to ICE, I do. Especially with the new policy the president has."

"Are we going to get more of these situations where illegals feel like now they're going to be safe? I don't know," he said.

h/t Huffington Post

