scorecardBunny Herding Candidate Submits Most Adorable Campaign Finance Filing Ever
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Bunny Herding Candidate Submits Most Adorable Campaign Finance Filing Ever

Bunny Herding Candidate Submits Most Adorable Campaign Finance Filing Ever
PoliticsPolitics1 min read


Emily Peyton, a candidate for governor in Vermont, emailed reporters her rather unique campaign finance filing details on Tuesday. The message was absolutely precious and even included a video of Peyton apparently herding bunnies.

According to the email from Peyton, a Republican hopeful, she raised $255 in total cash contributions: $100 from John Foster, $95 from Jacob Stradling, $10 from "anonymous," and $50 "from Bill Bandy, January (?)."

She went on to praise her partner, Tom, for helping her fill her gas tank.

"Much creative help and hospitality from numerous people. Partner Tom fills my gas tank for me at least 2 times a month," she wrote.

At the end of the email, Peyton posted a YouTube video, titled "herding my bunnies," that appears to be her following a bunny around her yard with a camera.

"Money may be speech, but knowledge is power- emily peyton-2014," she wrote. "For a person who can herd bunnies, the sky's the limit."

Needless to say, Peyton is not a typical Republican candidate. For example, her campaign website has an entire section dedicated to hemp, and when the Burlington Free Press asked her what she does for a living, she replied, "I am supported by my composer father. He allows me to do this work. I have a budget of $580 a week."

View the bunny video below.

