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Bury The Hatchet, Talk Only Business: Will This Be Modi’s Mantra In US?

Bury The Hatchet, Talk Only Business: Will This Be Modi’s Mantra In US?
PoliticsPolitics3 min read

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi begins his US visit on September 25-26, it will be a high-activity period for both countries. Political analysts from both nations will be busy interpreting the body language of President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi right from the moment they meet, shake hands, go for dinner and discuss trade and other relations between their respective nations.

In some ways, what Barack Obama’s victory meant to the US and most other parts of the world; India went through a similar pang of sorts while Narendra Modi led his party into a landslide victory in the highly charged poll-battle in India. A lot of other nations too, watched his pitched battle with great interest as Narendra Modi went to claim his chair, that of a Prime Minister of India.

From then on, Indians have been optimistic, and neighbouring nations such as Pakistan and China have somewhat a mixed reaction to his occupying the chair of Prime Minister. Because, in more ways than one, Modi has often shown he does not forget the past, and will tread firmly and carefully into the future with nations as his allies. He has demonstrated this time and again, in his barely 100 day administration.

His talks with China were warm, yet focused. His caution to Pakistan about violating the border, despite inviting their PM Nawaz Sharif over for his swearing in ceremony was a total trademark of a professional – who would mean business and only that. Friends who took advantage of his invitation would be dealt with a firm hand, was his message that was driven home.

Now, over the last few months, owing to a not-so-important diplomatic row involving immunity to an Indian diplomat, India and US have had a bittersweet relationship.

Issues have remained unresolved and government in India has changed since then. Today, when Modi prepares to visit the US, new premise for talks has been set. That is of trade and partnership. A successful forging of two economies will remain in focus at this point where two countries meet to discuss how they can go forward, together, and individually too.

When the leaders meet, one of the land of gold that’s mired in problems from all corners – both internal and external – and another leader from the emerging economy that is all set to secure its seat in the front row of world leaders, will the sparks fly? Albeit, may be.

Expectations are aplenty from this meet. In a way, this meet has more weight than the others owing to the fact that India did roll out a red carpet to the Chinese premier during his visit and promised to walk the path of progress together.

Now, this surely has got the US all jittery about this partnership. China alone has given much insecurity to the US that China and India together can double the effect in the coming days.

In that sense, what can the meeting pack for both Barack Obama and Modi? For starters, there would be trade discussions, defence and security partnership, topics of renewable energy will figure in the talks, along with the most important aspect – technology and intellectual property issues.

In his longest trip in the US ever, and even abroad, after assuming the chair of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi will deliver a speech at United Nations General Assembly. IT industry in particular is awaiting Modi to raise concerns over the immigration bill that will affect the prospects of the sector if passed in the current form. Modi is scheduled to meet 10 select CEOs during his visit.

Shale gas inputs is something India and US will be looking at, in the same direction since both countries have been mapped with generous quantities of the fuel, and can extract the same to reduce the dependency on other nations for fuel. Energy sector is looking forward to make some leverage from this meet for better pacts, memorandums and joint researches to initiate some eco-friendly measures to check global warming in the coming years.

Among regional issues, Afghan-Pakistan will probably take centre-stage. This apart, US has evinced interest in agriculture in India, along with food processing sector and cold chains. Industrial parks and economic zones, water related investments have caught the interest of US which would bring these issues into talks as far as working with India is concerned.

In more ways than one, there is both euphoria and indifference about this meet that has raised many expectations. Euphoria is among the Gurajati community that played a key role in Modi being catapulted to power; and the indifference is among other groups who claim to be secular and had opposed Modi’s PM candidature.

Either way, India Inc anticipates that during the meeting Modi will project the vibrant India that will turn into a lucrative business destination for the US. And for the US, India will probably be the destination, which will help fix former’s tattered economy.

