scorecardCameron Admits The Scottish May Want To Punish 'Effing Tories' With Independence
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Cameron Admits The Scottish May Want To Punish 'Effing Tories' With Independence

Cameron Admits The Scottish May Want To Punish 'Effing Tories' With Independence
PoliticsPolitics1 min read

REUTERS/Andrew Milligan

David Cameron speaking in Edinburgh.

In a moment of rare candor, prime minister David Cameron acknowledged that many Scots could view the independence vote as an opportunity to kick out at the "effing Tories."

That unusual phrase was Cameron's acknowledgment that part of the problem is that, basically, Scotland is a left-leaning place and the Scots are sick of lving under Conservative governments. Here is what he actually said (video below):

"I think people can feel it's a bit like a general election, that you make a decision and five years later you can make another decision if you're fed up with the effing Tories, give them a kick - this is totally different."

Needless to say, it's weird to hear the prime minister come close to using a four-lettered curse word.

His language marks a broader shift in tone for the pro-union "No" campaign, as its poll lead appears to be evaporating with just over a week to go before the vote.

Scots independence leaflet


An election leaflet for the Yes campaign.

The Conservative party has seen its support melt away in Scotland over the past few decades, with the last election returning only a single MP from the region.

The pro-independence campaign has repeatedly used the strength of feeling against Cameron's party in order to stress the differences between the two sides of the debate.

Cameron is hoping that by acknowledging the hostility to him and his party he can help to lessen their potency as the vote approaches.

If he's wrong, he may just have given his opponents their victory catchphrase.

