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Democratic senator roils Donald Trump with brutal tweet

Democratic senator roils Donald Trump with brutal tweet
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

Alex Wong/Business Insider

Chris Murphy.

Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut offered his take on Friday of Donald Trump claiming his comment that President Barack Obama "founded" ISIS was merely "sarcasm."

"What I'm looking for is a President who has a good sense of humor about ISIS, assassinations, and Russian cyber warfare," the Connecticut Democrat joked on Twitter, referencing two other recent Trump-ignited controversies in addition to his comment about Obama.


Earlier Friday, the Republican nominee attempted to clear up his allegation that Obama and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton were founders of the ISIS terrorist organization.

Trump attacked the "ratings challenged" CNN in an early morning tweet, saying it took his comments "so seriously."


In a Thursday interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump had fiercely defended his claim.

"Last night you said the president was the founder of ISIS," Hewitt said. "I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace."

"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump replied. "I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."

Trump's comments were condemned by the Clinton campaign. Jake Sullivan, the campaign's senior policy adviser, said it was "another example" of the New York businessman "trash-talking the United States."

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