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Donald Trump is blasting 2 GOP candidates on Twitter as they debate

Donald Trump is blasting 2 GOP candidates on Twitter as they debate
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

AP Photo/John Locher

Donald Trump.

Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump is watching the so-called GOP undercard debate Tuesday and does not seem to be a fan of two of the candidates in particular.

The Republican presidential front-runner repeatedly tweeted and retweeted messages critical of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and former New York Gov. George Pataki (R).

Both Graham and Pataki used their lower-tier debate opportunity to rip into Trump's plan to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the US.

Trump responded on Twitter, sharing messages saying Pataki needs a "brain surgeon" and that Graham is "weak," among other insults.

See some of Trump's responses below:

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