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Larry Ellison explains why life isn't about money: 'At some point you can't spend all of it. Trust me, I've tried'

"At some point it's not about the money. At some point you can't spend all of it. Trust me I've tried." (Ellison is known for his lavish lifestyle and collection cars, airplanes, art, and real estate — including the entire Hawaiian island of Lanai.)

Larry Ellison explains why life isn't about money: 'At some point you can't spend all of it. Trust me, I've tried'
Enterprise1 min read

When people start telling you that you’re crazy, you just might be onto the most important innovation in your life.

When people start telling you that you’re crazy, you just might be onto the most important innovation in your life.

Deep inside all of us there is a primal desire to do something important in life.

Deep inside all of us there is a primal desire to do something important in life.

There's a TV advertisement for the military that says it's not just a job, it's an adventure. That's exactly how I feel about my years in Silicon Valley.


Like any ongoing adventure, I have no idea how it ends. But I know it will.

Like any ongoing adventure, I have no idea how it ends. But I know it will.

Your generation will change the world as every generation does. You will invent new technologies and new forms of art.

Your generation will change the world as every generation does. You will invent new technologies and new forms of art.

In a constantly changing world, what is possible is a moving target — challenge the status quo.

In a constantly changing world, what is possible is a moving target — challenge the status quo.

You will change the world and the world will change you.

You will change the world and the world will change you.

Don't let the experts discourage you when you challenge the status quo. Like Mark Twain says, what's an expert anyway? Just some guy from out of town.


Each of you has a chance to discover who you are and not who you are supposed to be.

Each of you has a chance to discover who you are and not who you are supposed to be.

Each of you has an obligation to commit to a righteous cause. One that improves the lives of humanity and the planet.

Each of you has an obligation to commit to a righteous cause. One that improves the lives of humanity and the planet.

Keep searching until you find a job that ignites your passions. Like I did.

Keep searching until you find a job that ignites your passions. Like I did.
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