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The 17 best quotes from 'The Princess Bride,' which turns 30 today

17. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya."

The 17 best quotes from 'The Princess Bride,' which turns 30 today
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16. "Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today."

16. "Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today."

The Impressive Clergyman: Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam ... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva ... So tweasure your wuv.

Prince Humperdinck: Skip to the end.

The Impressive Clergyman: Have you the wing? ... and do you, Pwincess Buwwercup ...

15. "Have fun stormin’ da castle."

15. "Have fun stormin’ da castle."

Miracle Max and Valerie: Have fun stormin’ da castle.

14. "They’re so perky, I love that."

14. "They’re so perky, I love that."

Miracle Max: Sonny, true love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT – mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. They’re so perky, I love that.

13. "You are the Brute Squad!"

13. "You are the Brute Squad!"

Miracle Max: Beat it or I'll call the Brute Squad.

Fezzik: I'm on the Brute Squad.

Miracle Max: You are the Brute Squad!

12. "Nonsense."

12. "Nonsense."

Buttercup: We’ll never survive.

Westley: Nonsense. You’re only saying that because no one ever has.

11. "Death cannot stop true love."

11. "Death cannot stop true love."

Westley: I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?

Buttercup: Well ... you were dead.

Westley: Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.

Buttercup: I will never doubt again.

Westley: There will never be a need.

10. "Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"

10. "Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"

Vizzini: You fell victim to one of the classic blunders — the most famous of which is, “Never get involved in a land war in Asia” — but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

9. "You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen."

9. "You

Vizzini: You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen.

8. "But for now, rest well and dream of large women."

8. "But for now, rest well and dream of large women."

Man in Black: I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake. But for now, rest well and dream of large women.

7. "I just want you to feel you're doing well."

7. "I just want you to feel you

Man in Black: Look, are you just fiddling around with me or what?

Fezzik: I just want you to feel you're doing well. I hate for people to die embarrassed.

6. "My way's not very sportsman-like."

6. "My way

Vizzini: Finish him. Finish him, your way.

Fezzik: Oh good, my way. Thank you Vizzini ... what's my way?

Vizzini: Pick up one of those rocks, get behind a boulder, in a few minutes the man in black will come running around the bend, the minute his head is in view, hit it with the rock.

Fezzik: My way's not very sportsman-like.

5. "You keep using that word."

5. "You keep using that word."

Vizzini: He didn’t fall?! Inconceivable!

Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

4. "Inconceivable!"

4. "Inconceivable!"

Vizzini: Inconceivable!

3. "Anybody want a peanut?"

3. "Anybody want a peanut?"

Inigo Montoya: That Vizzini, he can fuss.

Fezzik: Fuss, fuss … I think he like to scream at us.

Inigo Montoya: Probably he means no harm.

Fezzik: He’s really very short on charm.

Inigo Montoya: You have a great gift for rhyme.

Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time.

Vizzini: Enough of that.

Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?

Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead.

Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it.

Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?

2. "As you wish."

2. "As you wish."

Grandpa: Nothing gave Buttercup as much pleasure as ordering Westley around.

Buttercup: Farm boy, polish my horse's saddle. I want to see my face shining in it by morning.

Westley: As you wish.

Grandpa: "As you wish" was all he ever said to her.

Buttercup: Farm boy, fill these with water - please.

Westley: As you wish.

Grandpa: That day, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying "As you wish," what he meant was, "I love you." And even more amazing was the day she realized she truly loved him back.

Buttercup: Farm boy ... fetch me that pitcher.

Westley: As you wish.

1. "A book?"

1. "A book?"

The Grandson: A book?

Grandpa: In my day, television was called 'a book.'

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