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Expelled former Yale basketball captain announces he will sue the university

Expelled former Yale basketball captain announces he will sue the university
EducationEducation2 min read
Jack Montague    AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez

Former Yale men's basketball captain Jack Montague announced Monday that he intends to file a lawsuit against the university.

"We strongly believe that the decision to expel Jack Montague was wrong, unfairly determined, arbitrary, and excessive by any rational measure," Max Stern, Montague's attorney, wrote in a statement obtained by Business Insider.

The Yale Daily News first reported on Montague's statement, which follows weeks of questions surrounding Montague's dismissal. Last week, sources confirmed to Business Insider that he was expelled in connection with sexual-misconduct accusation.

But details remained scant about the allegations in question. Montague's attorney's statement Monday gave the clearest description of the events that led up to his dismissal.

It described a sexual relationship with a female student that took place in the fall of 2014 on four separate occasions.

It stated that the Yale University-Wide Committee (UWC) - the office tasked with investigating sexual-assault claims - ruled that three of those instances were consensual, but on the fourth instance, she did not consent to sex. Montague and his lawyer disputed the ruling.

The statement said that on the fourth instance:

She joined him in bed, voluntarily removed all of her clothes, and they had sexual intercourse. Then they got up, left the room and went separate ways. Later that same night, she reached out to him to meet up, then returned to his room voluntarily, and spent the rest of the night in his bed with him.

Montague's lawyer further said that it "defies logic and common sense" that a woman would choose to rejoin Montague and spend the night with him if the sex was not consensual.

The statement suggested that the Yale UWC was incorrect in its determination, saying that "only two persons could have known what happened on that fourth night."

It also strongly suggested that Yale caved to pressure from outside sources to be tougher on sexual assault on campus.

"We cannot help but think it not coincidental that the decision by Yale officials to seek expulsion of the captain of its basketball team followed by little more than a month the report of the Association of American Universities (AAU) which was highly critical of the incidence of sexual assault on the Yale campus, and the Yale President's promise, in response, to 'redouble our efforts,'" it read.

Yale University did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

