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Four Easy Ways To Make A Plain Suit Look Totally Fresh

Four Easy Ways To Make A Plain Suit Look Totally Fresh
Retail2 min read

It's the holiday season, and that means cocktail parties, work functions, family reunions and more - it means a bunch occasions that require a suit.

Now, in a perfect world every gentleman would have a suit for every occasion. But the world is not perfect, and good suits do not come cheap, so it's important to find ways to make standard suits look fresh.

For the most part, you've got a few standard black/navy work suits and maybe something sharper for special occasions. (If you are sharp at all, but that's another discussion).

Despite that harsh reality, in a world of Instagram and Facebook, no gentleman wants to look like he's wearing the same thing in every snap shot.

Enter your accessories. Business Insider reached out to Jesse Chao, founder of men's accessory line, Vittorio J. He gave us four cheap ways to add tiny twists to your suit that will make it look different from wear to wear. Even better, you can get most of this stuff for less than $20.


Since suits are coming in shorter these days, don't be afraid to show a little ankle, and make that ankle stand out. If you want to match your socks with your tie, shirt etc. feel free, but don't over do it.

Pocket Squares.

They're easy, and they're everywhere in stores. Put a pocket square in your lapel (no, it doesn't have to match you tie... in fact, don't match your tie) and depending on the color, design and how your fold it, the square can make your entire look more fun or more serious.

Vintage Cuff links

Go big here, or go home. Chao says you want vintage cuff links because they tend to be more interesting to look at than the plain ones that are on the market these days.

"On eBay, you can find a ton of nice ones for less than $20. My favorites are the enamel ones as well as the snap-on ones. They really don't make snap-on cuff links that much anymore but they are so convenient - its so much easier to roll up a shirt when wearing these," Chao said.

Flower lapel pins.

Guys, this is the new hotness. Just check out the hashtag #flowerlapelpins on Instgram and you'll see that fashion heads all over the world are tacking these onto their suits to give them an elegant twist. Chao recommends checking out Etsy for a few cheap options.

