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GOP Staffer Resigns After Mocking Obama's Daughters On Facebook

GOP Staffer Resigns After Mocking Obama's Daughters On Facebook
PoliticsPolitics1 min read

GOP staffer Elizabeth Lauten is resigning after a note she posted about President Barack Obama's daughters on Facebook on Friday caused an uproar.

Lauten told NBC News on Monday that plans for her to step down as the communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tennessee) are "in the works." Her departure followed widespread controversy over her post, which criticized Obama's children, Sasha and Malia, for appearing bored when they attended the annual turkey pardoning ceremony at the White House on Wednesday. Lauten admonished the girls to "try showing a little class."

"Nevertheless, stretch yourself. Rise to the occasion. Act like being in the White House matters to you," she wrote.

Lauten also criticized the girls' clothing.

"Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar," wrote Lauten.

Lauten's post was met with a huge backlash including a viral Twitter hashtag "#FireElizabethLauten. She subsquently deleted the Facebook note and wrote an apology on the site.

"After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents, and re-reading my words online I can see more clearly just how hurtful my words were," Lauten said.

Lauten did not respond to a request for comment from Business Insider on Monday.

