scorecardHere's What Happens On Facebook Every 10 Seconds
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Here's What Happens On Facebook Every 10 Seconds

Here's What Happens On Facebook Every 10 Seconds
Tech1 min read


By the time you're done reading this sentence, 166,666 friend requests will have been made on Facebook.

Internet In Real Time showed us what happens on all of our favorite sites - Netflix, YouTube, Google, Twitter, and more - second by second.

We looked up some statistics provided by Facebook for 2014's numbers and did the math for the biggest social network around.

In 10 seconds on Facebook...



83,333 links are shared

166,666 friend requests are made

250,000 messages are sent

85,000 comments are left

48,833 status updates are created

22,666 photos are uploaded

54,976,850 pieces of content are posted or shared (mostly photos)

50 new profiles are created

11,028 photos are uploaded

There are 520,830 likes

12,367 event invites are sent

(via Facebook, Zephoria, Statistic Brain, and OneSecond)

