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If AAP could do it, aap bhi kar sakte ho!

If AAP could do it, aap bhi kar sakte ho!
StrategyStrategy4 min read

10th February 2015 was the day when the nation was glued to news channels. Everybody wanted to know who would claim Delhi ki Gaddi. Finally the verdict was out, and the nation collectively gasped, “Look how the mighty have fallen!”

Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) massive success in Delhi elections has made global headlines and why not. This party was formed less than a decade ago and has been people’s choice over a well-established, powerful political party. They learnt quickly from their mistakes and implemented improvised strategies, leading to success. And if they could do it, so can we. Let’s have a quick look at what we can pick from AAP’s success story.

· Perseverance is the name of the game: Irrespective of which field you are in, it is important to continue doing your thing, day in and day out. Yes, there will be setbacks and not everything will work according to your plan. But that should not stop you from putting the necessary efforts. The party has had a difficult time in the past, but they did not give up. Efforts were doubled and they continued working hard. Success can never be an option if perseverance is your virtue.

· Believe in yourself: Whether it’s your ideas, qualities or ways, believe in them without an ounce of doubt. Only then will you be able to give it a shot with all your might. AAP was formed on certain principles, and they stuck to it through all odds. Even when things did not work out as expected, the faith they had in their ideology was undeterred. This helped swing things in their favour in the long run.

· Build your support system: If you think you can make it to the top all alone, you must rethink. A team that works together, family and friends who believe in you are very critical factors to one’s success. This support system has to be nurtured and built up over time. While you expect support from them, it is your responsibility to spare time for them, support and stand by them when they need you. AAP’s leader acknowledged this publicly after their epic win. A strong support system is a must.

· Keep negativity at bay: Reminds me of Taylor Swift’s catchy tune – haters gonna hate hate hate! But that hardly means anything to the ones determined to succeed. While AAP had to dodge all sort of allegations from the opposition, face criticism and answer some uncomfortable questions, they chose to do so gracefully. By reacting negatively, energy, which could otherwise be used constructively, is wasted. While AAP recognised this and did not react to the negative campaigns, we can also do so by focusing only on the positives around us.

· Mistakes happen. Learn and move on: If you have made no mistakes, maybe you haven’t done enough. Yes, mistakes are made by those who try! It’s inevitable and in our best interest to not fear making mistakes. Look at it as a learning opportunity, alter your plan accordingly and move on. Mistakes were a part of AAP’s story too. But they were quick to put their act together. They acknowledged that they had faltered, and moved on learning new things. There is no need to feel embarrassed because you made a wrong move. It’s a part of the game. Make amendments and move on.

· Have a strategy: Mere planning is not enough. One must be able to think intelligently and chalk out a strategy. Unlike the opposition which tried pitching its leaders’ competency, AAP had a different strategy. They knew their voters were looking for somebody with whom they could connect. Looking up to somebody already on a pedestal did not appeal to the majority. AAP campaigned with this strategy in mind, and it clicked for them. Whether you are working or have your own business, it is important to have a strategy to be successful.

· Let go of the results: A weekend before the results, AAP team relaxed and had a good time with their family and friends. They believed in their hard work and were not nervous before the verdict. Similarly, after putting in all the efforts, it is important to detach oneself from the results. If you are satisfied with the work that you have put in and believe in yourself, then results should not bother you. Success will find the deserving.

· With great power comes great responsibility: While everybody is lauding AAP’s victory, the real test begins now. Success brings along hope and responsibility. And this is true for us too. It is important to plan ahead of success. Handling these responsibilities and living up to the expectations is the only way to achieve the next milestone. Let’s plan and track our own progress on that front while the nation tracks AAP.

As AAP’s victory goes down in history, we must carry these learnings with us. It’s time to take action and start writing your own success story now!
About the author: Rajiv Raj is the director and co-founder of

