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INSTANT MBA: Bad Bosses Create A 'Terrifying' Culture For Companies

INSTANT MBA: Bad Bosses Create A 'Terrifying' Culture For Companies
StrategyStrategy1 min read

Today's advice comes from Ben Huh, founder of Cheezburger, via Kathleen Davis at Entrepreneur:

"I had a terrible boss that was phenomenally good at recruiting talented people, but he was a tyrant — he would storm in your office and scream at you."

But Huh still managed to learn a big lesson from this boss: No matter how much people will put up with you in the beginning, they won't do it for long. It doesn't matter how much you pay them.

"I learned that that's one way to run a business, but there is a cost to being an asshole, and it's not just financial. The costs were so culturally terrifying for the company — no one respected him or trusted him.

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