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Jack Dorsey Has A Borderline 'Masochistic' Way Of Getting Employee Feedback

Jack Dorsey Has A Borderline 'Masochistic' Way Of Getting Employee Feedback
Tech1 min read

Getty Images, Kevork Djansezian

Square CEO Jack Dorsey

Square CEO Jack Dorsey has an unconventional way of writing his own employee review.

In a really interesting piece about Square's future and whether it's lost its edge, Fast Company's Austin Carr reports that Dorsey recently sent out a Google Doc to Square's roughly 800 employees asking for feedback.

"[Dorsey] makes two suggestions that border on the masochistic," Carr writes. "All comments should be anonymous, and all comments should be visible to everyone inside the company."

Dorsey told employees to write whatever they wanted, so he could learn what he's done well, but also where he's "completely screwed things up." He got more than 500 responses.

It's been a tough year for Dorsey. Nick Bilton skewered him in his book "Hatching Twitter," portraying him as a back-stabber who took undue credit as a founder. The Wall Street Journal published a piece saying that Square's losses were so huge that it was discussing a possible sale. Square recently shut down its much-hyped Wallet app.

When Carr asked Dorsey what grade he'd be giving himself based on all the comments, the CEO vaguely responded that it wouldn't be an "F" and that employees stressed the need for more focus.

Read the rest of Carr's excellent piece here.

