scorecardKickstarter Is Getting Flooded With Potato Salad Knockoffs After One Guy Made Over $30,000
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Kickstarter Is Getting Flooded With Potato Salad Knockoffs After One Guy Made Over $30,000

Kickstarter Is Getting Flooded With Potato Salad Knockoffs After One Guy Made Over $30,000
Tech1 min read

coleslaw kickstarter


In what is possibly the most profitable joke on the Internet, Zack Brown's Kickstarter project to make a batch of potato salad has been unbelievably lucrative.

Brown's campaign has also spawned a number of Kickstarter projects from people who are trying to cash in on the potato salad Kickstarter's viral success. Kickstopper has documented several of these projects, which are experiencing varying results of profit so far.

So far, people have attempted to crowdsource enough money to cover the costs of bacon, coleslaw, a vegan potato salad, a boiled egg, chicken soup, pizza, and cheese on toast.

Perhaps not surprisingly, a few of these projects have already been totally funded. Danny Willford's coleslaw Kickstarter has raised $30 of its $20 goal. "I want to prove that coleslaw is better than potato salad. It is a far superior dish and can be used as both side and condiment," he says. "This is a direct turf war with Zack Danger Brown's Kickstarter for potato salad."

Zack Brown has made over $38,000 from his potato salad Kickstarter, and there's still three weeks left in the campaign. He's made an appearance on Good Morning America, and companies like Hellman's are even trying to get in on the action. In his Reddit AMA, Brown estimated it could take weeks to make enough potato salad to feed all his backers.

